


One of my favourite cafe

Last weekend, I and my family went to a cafe which is located in front of a park to have a breakfast. The cafe whose breakfast menu is attractive and really tasty relaxed us. And it is in walking distance and takes 20 minutes to walk, so i…

day off

Yesterday, I took the day off. I read the book named “”Journey to the end of the night" written by Celline. It is a little dificcult on description, but it lets me imagine that life is like a journey. I like reading books and watching a mo…


英語で日記を書くのはやっぱり難しい! でも、今まで紙に書きつけていた(そして挫折していた)英語日記をブログで書くようにしたことで、鞄の荷物が軽くなったのが大きい笑 iPad Airを売って新しいiPad miniに買い換えるか結構悩んだんだけど、日記を書くな…

Season for running is coming!

In these days, it is getting very cold suddenly. Actually, I don't like winter so much, but it suits running. This summer, I don't have enough time to run. Although all competition for marathon is supposed to be cancelled for the pandemic,…


Yesterday, I saw a movie named moeyoken. It is for the first time to go watch a movie since pandemic happened. I love Shinsengumi, is well known as last samurai. It was really fun for me that samurai spirits are very cool and the scene of …


サラリーマンをしています。 昔からジェームズボンドやキングスマンが好きで、英国紳士に憧れています。また白洲次郎なんかも好きです。 うだつの上がらないサラリーマンなので、もちろん無理なのですが、マインドのあり方として日々奮闘する日常を綴る予定…